Asian College of Journalism Exam Pattern
The examination is conducted online in real time and will be in two parts:
- English language skills and facility
- Current affairs and general knowledge
- It will also test the candidates’ writing ability and assess their analytical thinking and problem-solving skills. Other procedures may be prescribed for candidates from abroad.
Asian College of Journalism Syllabus
Part A EnglishThis tests your English Language Skills and Time give is 2 Hours for a 100-mark paper.
I Correct the misspelled words in the following list. Put a tick mark against the correctly spelled word, if any. (5 Marks)
II Use the following words in sentences to bring out their meaning. (You may use any part of speech or tense of the given word. Eg. If the given word is Do, you may use doing, did, done, etc.) (20 Marks)
III. Each of the sentences below is followed by a parenthesis and a group of four words. Enter in the parenthesis the word or phrase, which most nearly expresses the meaning of the italicized word in the context given (10 Marks)
IV Correct the following sentences-30 Marks
V The following section is intended to test your knowledge of verb tenses. You are required to correct sentences where the wrong tense is used, or to fill the blanks with the correct form of the verb given in parenthesis. (10 Marks)
VI Put in the correct or most appropriate preposition. (5 Marks)
There could be questions on:
- Active and Passive voice
- Direct and Indirect Speech
- Phrasal Verbs
- Common Idioms
- Proverbs
VII Write an essay of no more than 200 words on any ONE of the following arguing for or against the proposition - 20 Marks
For example; The disproportionate power exercised by small regional parties, which are part of national coalition governments, has made it impossible for India to develop a national vision of its identity, interests and future.
General KnowledgeThis is for another 100 Marks. About 60 – 65 percent questions are based on current affairs – events of the past one year. The purpose is to test how thoroughly you have read the newspapers during the time and retained much of the information found there.
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