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Tamil Nadu State Council for Higher Education (TANSCHE)
Keeping the view of the Higher education system, the National Policy on Education (1986) has spelt out the strategies to impart the needed dynamism and vibrancy to tertiary education as never before. Of these strategies a major one envisioned by it is the creation of structures for coordination at the State and National Levels. It has proposed in specific terms that state level planning and coordination of Higher Education should be done through State Councils for Higher Education set up as statutory bodies. This led to the establishment of Higher education councils and Tamil Nadu State Council for Higher Education is a product of this policy. This statutory body started functioning from 9th November 1992.
The basic objective of the Department is to formulate policies, laws, regulations and various programmes based on the needs of the society now and then, for achieving the following goals of the Government in the field of Higher Education in Tamil Nadu:
TANSCHE will essentially a coordinator and bridge-builder in its relations with the universities at the State level and UGC at the National level.
TANSCHE will be a facilitator in regard to implementation of all university programmes aimed at academic excellence.
TANSCHE will endeavor to assist the universities in all possible ways in their pursuit of advanced research in sciences as well as humanities.
TANSCHE will undertake detailed exercises in manpower planning coordinated with educational planning.
TANSCHE will strive to assist the Government with its judicious comments and recommendations on all matters referred to it including the fixation of Maintenance/Block grants to universities.
TANSCHE in short, will make every effort to be an integrative force bringing the universities into constant touch with each other and be an instrument of cooperative action for higher education to enhance its own image impressively.
Future Plans of TANSCHE
The Council proposes to initiate its activities in the following areas:
Creation of a common website for all the universities in Tamil Nadu
Encourage more colleges to apply for autonomy and assist them in obtaining autonomous status
Encourage starting of more vocational courses
Encourage the establishment of community colleges
Develop “Centres of Excellence” in the Universities
Continue to encourage writing and publishing of text books in Tamil
Continue to organise in collaboration with Universities workshops/seminars on the direction, in which the studies in various subjects are to be developed in the next decade