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The strong education policy of the government and infrastructural facilitates make Tamil Nadu one of the preferred destinations for higher education. It is one of the states in India known for high quality of education. Over the past few years, the scenario of higher education in Tamil Nadu has improved manifold with the government taking major steps in setting up various colleges and institutes of higher studies. Furthermore Tamil Nadu produces the maximum number of engineering graduates in India every year and this attracts numerous software firms to set up their businesses in Tamil Nadu and South India. A large number of universities and research centers contribute to educational excellence of the state.
When it comes to the universities in Tamil Nadu, students can pursue a variety of courses as per their goals and requirements. These institutions offer undergraduate, post graduate and doctoral degrees in a number of disciplines including basic sciences, mathematics, literature, economic sciences, material sciences, computer sciences, technology, engineering, and management. There are many universities and institutes of higher education in the state.
Find below the links to some of the universities in Tamil Nadu: