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Agriculture is an important field of study. In a state like Tamil Nadu,
it continues to be the most predominant sector of the economy, as 70
percent of the population is engaged in Agriculture and allied
activities for their livelihood. The sector offers job opportunities in
horticulture, plant science, soil science etc. This has led to the
increased awareness about agricultural studies.
Today there are
various colleges and universities in Tamil Nadu imparting diploma and
degree courses in agricultural science. Entrance tests are held for
admission in undergraduate, and postgraduate courses. Apart
from government institutions, there are also many other private colleges
which provide education on the different facets of agriculture. These colleges and universities command worldwide
reputation and recognition. Quality
above par and a dedicated approach towards agriculture education have
made Tamil Nadu one of the most preferred destination for those looking for career in agriculture studies.
To know about agriculture education and entrance exams all over India, click here